We provide insights into audiences, access to distribution channels; develop business models, commercial frameworks and customized-product development.
MonetizationDirect to consumer or B2B2C via Telcos and Media partners, TMT Connekt works with you to draw up end-user business models and commercial frameworks that allow you to quickly achieve profitability. We work with a over 20 different marketing partners and ad networks to optimize results and deliver maximum acquistions.
DistributionTMT Connekt specializes in establishing quick-to-scale content distribution strategies. From telco-branded and co-branded storefronts and digital platforms to direct to consumer engagement points that leverage social media, we know what works and how to make it work.
ProductizationExpereinces that delight! Products that captivate. Solutions that sell. We work with teams of developers, designers and specialists to put together content delivery platforms that meet customer expectations and deliver the results you look for - maximum return on investments.